Friday 1 February 2008


After reading an article in the magazine (Dec 2007-Feb 2008), I wanted to post the gist of it to make people aware of how the Government bureauocracy works, and the powers to be treat us as idiots.
This is frome the article -
" An age where a Prime Minister thinks he can quick fix a drought by draining wetlands (well, the water's just going to waste there, isn't it?) and the Treasurer brings in a bill (an amendment to the Small Business Act - but there's nothing small about the businesses it applies to), that will make anyone who complains about a company's business (such as one that drains the wetlands, builds a factory that pollutes, or fails to fix your phone for 46 days) will be liable for the loss of that company's business.......tens of thousands, maybe millions, of dollars - if they complain.

Got a problem? No worries. Just don't let anyone complain about it, and it's fixed.

I'm not sure if it's more terrifying or a comfort to read some of the suggested quick fix solutions for global warming....if some scientsts are suggesting nightmare quick fixes at least others are pointing out the side effects.
Though, come to think of it, if they're criticising company plans and that may cut the company's share price or profits, they'll have to shut up pretty quickly - in Australia anyhow."

No doubt this bill was brought in by the previous political party and don't seem to recall hearing much about this through the media!!!!

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