The road from Kenilworth to Maleny passes through beautiful scenery, and it is disturbing that the Queensland Government, in its wisdom (!!!!) is adamant that a dam will be built in the Gympie region, in effect damming the Mary River. Prime dairy farminig country, as well as other farming industries and the people are up in arms. All supposedly to be able to provide water for South East Queensland, mainly Brisbane - in other words so that the people of Brisbane can flush their toilets.
Has the Government factored into their equation where the food will now be grown if this dam is given the approval by the Federal Government.
Anyway, our next stop was Maleny - very community minded town, with lots of arts/crafts and once again lovely food.
As we had only just over half an hour, it was a short look around, but I did manage to enjoy an organic ice cream - Fig and Almond (DELICIOUS. Whilst browsing through the shop windows, came across some books in a stand outside one of the Charity Shops.
Can't resist books and I found a miniature book of poetry - Selected Verse of Henry LAWSON

THE LITTLE WORLD OF ELVES & FAIRIES - An anthology of Verse with illustrations by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite.
The preface says that Ida Rentoul was born in Melbourne Australia in 1888. Her first book, Mollie's Bunyip, was published when she was the grand old age of sixteen and was quickly followed by others, in collabortion with her sister, Annie, who wrote many of the books Ida illustrated.
In 1909, she married writer, Grenbry Outhwaite and thereafter signed her work Ida Rentoul Outhwaite.
Inside there are poems by Shakespeare, Keats, Robert Louis Stevenson and e.e. cummings with beautiful illustrations (both colour and black and white).

CATLAND - Illustrated by Louis Wain (1860-1939)
This book has gorgeous colour plates on every second page and the text of the book by Rodney Dale, tells the story of Wain's life from his early days as a schoolboy in Hackney to his last 14 years in an asylum near St Albans.

It would have been nice to spend more time there, but we needed to head for our next stop which was Montville.